Full Circle Wellness, the holistic approach to Kinesiology, Nutrition & Fitness
As part of my Specialised Kinesiology studies, I am writing up case studies on how Kinesiology can be used to help clients push though mental blocks that may be holding them back from starting (and sticking with!) a wellness programme, as well as changing their attitudes around diet & exercise for the long term!
To see if regular Specialised Kinesiology Sessions can help those who have the desire to start living a healthier life – but for some reason (possibly known or unknown to them), can’t seem to move past the mental block that prevents them from starting/sticking to a wellness programme (i.e. lack of motivation, fear of failure, lack of confidence).
The 3x 2.5hr Kinesiology Sessions will be focused on helping you identify any potential self-sabotaging behaviour you may have towards your wellness, help you adopt new positive attitudes towards diet & exercise, as well as release any mental blocks you may have towards your wellness goals.
If you think you are who I am looking for and are keen to start your wellness journey, please read on!
Does this sound like something that could help you achieve your wellness goals before the end of 2022?
If so, please read the below T&C’s regarding the case study criteria & email a short paragraph as to why you think you could benefit from this case study (don’t forget to list your reasons of why you have struggled to commit to a wellness routine in the past!) to Claire at [email protected]
Deadline for applications: Friday, 16 September 2022
Terms & Conditions:
- you are able to commit to the indicated criteria as per above
- you understand that the outcomes of this case study will be submitted for academic review, but your personal information/identity will remain anonymous
- there are only a limited amount of candidate slots available for 2022 - your application to participate may not be successful dependent on factors as privately determined by Full Circle Wellness
Through non invasive & proven methods, Full Circle Wellness will help you balance the 3 elements of wellness - Mental, Chemical & Structural. Optimal health begins with balance!
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