Full Circle Wellness, the holistic approach to Kinesiology, Nutrition & Fitness
When a pebble drops in the sea it creates a ripple effect – the same occurs within our bodies! If our spine or pelvis is misaligned, even slightly, it will have a ripple effect onto our knees and then our feet.
How does a misaligned spine or pelvis cause knee pain?
One of the most common symptoms of a shifted pelvis/spine is that one leg becomes functionally shorter than the other. When this happens, the body compensates with both the knee and foot of the short leg ‘twisting’ abnormally in order to incorrectly lengthen the leg to maintain our natural balance. In turn, the knee cap (patella) does not glide properly during knee flexion/extension, which can have drastic effects on the efficiency of the muscles in the leg and, also lead to accelerated knee degeneration and pain.
Think about this: we are made up of a skeleton, and the only way the skeleton can move is by the muscles that attach to the bones which then move a joint such as the knee. If we only focus on fixing the muscle, but not the skeleton and thus the joints, the muscles can never fully function properly. This is why it is so important to make sure that the muscles AND the joints work harmoniously!
While the health industry does allow for a slight variation in leg length to be considered ‘normal’, it is important to assess whether you are in a normal range and what the ‘ripple effect’ is on the rest of your body. There are numerous causes of knee pain and we must be aware that the source might come from a less obvious place!
And remember, the ripple effects of a misaligned pelvis/spine don’t just travel down the body, but also up in the form of headaches, shoulder tension, etc.
Wanna know more? Give Jason a visit!
Dr Jason Liepner
Wynberg Chiropractic Clinic
072 831 3409
Check out his Facebook page here and WIN!
Through non invasive & proven methods, Full Circle Wellness will help you balance the 3 elements of wellness - Mental, Chemical & Structural. Optimal health begins with balance!
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