Full Circle Wellness, the holistic approach to Kinesiology, Nutrition & Fitness
Let’s talk smoothies!
Smoothies are one of my favorite breakfasts and/or snacks. You can pack so many nutrients into a small space that will fill up your stomach and completely satisfy your taste buds & appetite.
My favorite trick? Adding GREENS!
I was skeptical at first, too. Adding spinach (or any other lettuce) to something that is practically a dessert? How could that be? It definitely sounds and looks, I’ll admit (especially when blending with red fruit), gross. But I promise – you won’t even taste it. You won’t! You still get all of the delicious blend you created – with an extra shot of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that you will be thankful for.
The photo to the right is a smoothie that I ordered from Cafe Mimi in Observatory, Cape Town. They don’t have any green smoothies, but I had asked the waiter to add spinach to my smoothie. I was a little shy about it at first, knowing it wasn’t on the menu, and probably not often asked for. But I went for it anyways – all in the name of health, right?! I was so delighted that he had a smile on his face when I asked, and he said “People should ask for that more often!” He then walked downstairs and told the woman who was typing it in the computer and the look on her face was priceless. She definitely did not have the same thoughts as him as she had a look of absolute disgust on her face. I only wish I could imitate it. I only hope that maybe my request sparked the idea in her head to try it herself…who knows
It’s hard enough as it is to get enough vegetables in throughout the day. This is such a quick and simple solution to something that can seem like such a pain. This truly is the ultimate multi-tasking revolution.
Here are my recommendations for experimenting with making green smoothies:
Happy Blending.
J. Xx
Through non invasive & proven methods, Full Circle Wellness will help you balance the 3 elements of wellness - Mental, Chemical & Structural. Optimal health begins with balance!
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