Full Circle Wellness, the holistic approach to Kinesiology, Nutrition & Fitness
Dear Clients,
Surprisingly, gyms have been permitted to re-open from tomorrow under level 2 restrictions (this was initially only supposed to happen at level 1).
Regarding Full Circle Wellness returning to physical sessions, these are my thoughts:
1) Your safety is my highest concern – while I know we all missing the social interaction with each other, group exercise remains one the MOST dangerous ways to spread this deadly illness (think about heavy breathing, sweat etc).
Exercise is NOT the same as going to the shop and wearing a mask – you breathe much harder (and spread the virus further), you sweat more etc
I encourage those of who have not read this academic study on exercise yet to do so: https://medium.com/…/belgian-dutch-study-why-in-times-of-co…
2) Exercise would have to be done wearing a mask at all times – for Pilates this is fine, but for higher cardio exercise classes like Boot Camp and Body Conditioning, this would be very uncomfortable (more uncomfortable than exercising in your lounge I should think?)
3) Due to the danger of sharing equipment, clients would have to bring their own mats and weights to class each time and take them home with them (to avoid any cross contamination). I can tell you from personal experience, that is impossible to sterilise shared gym equipment.
4) Many countries are seeing second waves of this deadly disease. It seems pointless to resume classes, only to be shut down again in the next few weeks. In addition, our classes would only be contributing to this second wave of infections.
5) While we would be exercising together in small groups, it is worth remembering that I come into contact with 70+ people per week when working under usual conditions. This means that if I am infected, I run the risk of exposing myself to 70+ of you (plus your families) each week – and that is risk that I am not willing to take – you are all too special to me xxx
The facts are:
– the virus is still very much out there, and just because the gyms are open, doesn’t mean they should be
– exercising in groups maximizes your exposure to this virus (and inadvertently to your loved ones)
– the practical implications of maintaining health and safety protocols will cause major discomfort
– going back to physical classes right now seem like an unnecessary risk to take, as we have all been managing so well with the online classes
I have continued to pay rent at the hall throughout the year and once it is safe to return, we will definitely be doing so. But I do not believe that is the time right now.
I hope I have all of your support in my decision to NOT resume physical classes for the moment – it is purely for the safety of each and every one of you, and your families. People before profit
If you have any concerns or thoughts about this, please do not hesitate to contact me to chat about this issue xx Lets all continue to stay safe and health (and at home). Thank you for your continued support thus far!
Through non invasive & proven methods, Full Circle Wellness will help you balance the 3 elements of wellness - Mental, Chemical & Structural. Optimal health begins with balance!
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