Full Circle Wellness, the holistic approach to Kinesiology, Nutrition & Fitness
As we end off another year and enter a new one, let's make sure we set ourselves up to "thrive" instead of just "survive!"
How can we do that? By making sure we know where we are going!
Please see my MY END OF YEAR RELFECTIONS SHEET for you as we end-off 2022 – I really encourage you to print these out, make some time to have a cup of tea & answer these questions about the year that was – this exercise gives you the opportunity to work though anything you don’t want to take into 2023!
I also have included my 2023 WORD DREAM SHEET - as we reflect back on 2022, you can use this dream sheet to make some goals and intentions for the year ahead! I always like seeing what my clients come up with as their goals for the year, so feel free to send them back to me! I really encourage you to do this exercise (even just for yourself) – it also serves as a lovely self-reflection tool mid-year to see if you are on the right track (and end-of-the-year to see if you achieved what you wanted to achieve!)
If you are able to take a little break this holiday season – keep making healthy choices emotionally, physically and spiritually - and see you in 2023 – may it be a kind one for us all – one where we all “thrive” instead of just “survive!”
Love & light,
Through non invasive & proven methods, Full Circle Wellness will help you balance the 3 elements of wellness - Mental, Chemical & Structural. Optimal health begins with balance!
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