Full Circle Wellness, the holistic approach to Kinesiology, Nutrition & Fitness
Full Circle Wellness clients – I would like to turn your attention to this article last week regarding the recent gym openings in Canada, the safety & health procedures in place that were followed (and would be similar to my own procedures when we decide to go back to in-person training), and the covid19 outbreak that occurred from ONE 60min spinning class – (this number has actually jumped to over 100 people since last night). This outbreak was the result of one asymptomatic client in a gym environment.
Health previously reported that the reopening of gyms during the pandemic was risky, at best. “From a biologic and physiologic perspective, it’s a bad idea,” Gavis Harris, MD, an infectious disease physician and critical care medicine fellow at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center previously told Health. He explained that since COVID-19 can spread through respiratory droplets and last on surfaces for multiple days, and given that gyms are enclosed spaces that would presumably be shared by multiple gym-goers at a time, “the risk of exposure is exceptionally high.”
Regrettably, gyms and group exercise classes remain extremely “high risk” regarding covid19 – they are not the same as shopping, visiting a friend etc – I hope I have your continued support in my decision to keep our gym classes online for now – we will return to the hall as soon as we can and it is safe to do so. I do miss all your faces though!! Thank you!! Keeping staying safe
Through non invasive & proven methods, Full Circle Wellness will help you balance the 3 elements of wellness - Mental, Chemical & Structural. Optimal health begins with balance!
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