Full Circle Wellness, the holistic approach to Kinesiology, Nutrition & Fitness 

Question: I am training for a marathon coming up in two months. Can you suggest any supplements or adjusting my diet to alleviate muscle aches and strain after long runs and intensive training?

by Claire, 3 years ago

One of our readers Stacey asked the following question: “I am training for a marathon coming up in two months. Can you suggest any supplements or adjusting my diet to alleviate muscle aches and strain after long runs and intensive training?”

Great question Stacey! There are a few vitamins that you can find in the foods we eat that can help muscle pain (as well as help repair muscle) after long runs.

Vitamin B Complex:
All the vitamin B groups (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12) assist with the metabolism and energy release of nutrients in the body. These vitamins are essential in ensuring your body properly utilising the fuel (food) that you are putting into your body.

Vitamin B can be found in the following foods:
– meat, fish, eggs, poultry, mike and organ foods (liver, kidneys)
– dark green vegetables and peas
– nuts (especially peanuts), legumes, pasta and whole-grains
– bananas and avos.

You can add these to your diet, as well as take a Vitamin B Complex supplement.

For your upcoming Knysna Marathon, oysters are a high source of B1, so feel free to indulge when in Knysna during the Oyster Festival!

Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is vital in the maintenance and repair of bones and blood vessels, as well as the formation of connective tissue. This can help alleviate muscle aches.

Vitamin C can be found in the following foods:
– citrus fruits
– green peppers and tomatoes
– Guavas and strawberries

Another important vitamin to include in your diet is Magnesium (found in dark leaft vegetables and whole grains).

I’ve found a great article on LiveStrong that backs up what I’ve said here: http://www.livestrong.com/article/475466-vitamins-that-help-muscle-aches/

I hope that answers your question. Please let me know if you have any more questions that I can assist you with!

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diet Knysna Marathon marathon training supplements vitamins

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Nutrition & Diet Tips Wellness Q&A


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