SPCA Two Oceans Marathon Training Tips – Part 2
by Claire, 3 years ago
Only a few short weeks to go until the runners in Team SPCA take on the Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon to raise awareness for the Cape of Good Hope SPCA! I’ve put together some pre-race tips from the last 3 weeks right up to race day to make sure you run your best race ever!
Good news – the hardest part of your practice is over! It’s now time to scale back on your training, and start to taper! Taper is a time of rest and reduced workouts prior to a race. During this time, your body rebuilds, refuels and recovers from the weeks of hard training you have completed
3 weeks before
- Do your last long run or long race three weeks before the race. Treat this long run as a “dress rehearsal” for your race — wear your planned race outfit and practice your race nutrition and hydration plan. After that last long run, cut your mileage down to about 80% of what you were doing for that week.
2 weeks before
- Cut down your mileage to 50 – 75% of what you were doing
Running less reduces your risk of injury, gives you time to rest and recover, and allows your muscles to store carbohydrates in preparation for the big race.
- Get your deep tissue massage. A deep tissue massage can have the effect of a hard workout on your muscles, so you don’t want to do it too close to the race.
One week before
- Keep your normal pace, but reduce your mileage to 1/3 of your race distance – keep up the speed/pace, but cover less km’s.
- Skip your strength-training routine in the final week before your race to give your muscles a chance to rest.
- Eat a diet rich in complex carbohydrates (whole-grain breads, pasta, and cereals – 65-70% of your calories should come from carbs). Drink plenty of fluids. Avoid alcoholic beverages since they have a dehydrating effect and can also interfere with your sleep.
- Take at least one or two days off from running during race week. Some people prefer to take off the two days before the race, while others will take off Friday before a Sunday race and do a very easy 20 to 30-minute run the day before the race to work out last-minute nerves.
Race Day
- Eat a breakfast that you normally eat (don’t try something new that could upset your stomach
- Make sure you know where to park, what to wear and wear to go – give yourself plenty of time
- Drink water at the stations BEFORE you think you need it
- Have fun! You’ve prepared for this, now go and enjoy it!
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race tips
Two Oceans Marathon
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