Full Circle Wellness, the holistic approach to Kinesiology, Nutrition & Fitness 

Troy’s Tips To Maximize Your Work Out!

by Claire, 3 years ago

One of our Full Circle Wellness Trainers, Troy, has written a blog post on his five Top Tips to get the most out of your workout! Stay Motivated guys!!


In the fitness industry, most of the time people are looking for the easiest way to get the results they want yet can never actually find the answers they are looking for.

Here are 5 of my favourite tips and ways to help you workout to be the best you that you can be.

  1. Always have a goal
    Now anyone who’s asked a trainer how to start training, they will normally give you the answer along the lines of ‘’you need a goal’’. Well it’s said that a lot for a very good reason. Having a goal in mind helps you to push forward in so many ways as now you have a reason to be in a fitness environment and a reason to keep pushing for that last rep.
  1. Perform every exercise to the best of your ability
    You see it everywhere. “do this exercise to burn fat” or “do this exercise to get a ripped six pack.” Don’t get me wrong it could be the latest and best exercise in the world but no exercise is good if not done right. In my opinion every exercise is the best exercise if it done right and done to the best of your ability. There’s no point in doing an exercise for a hundred reps without the proper form and technique.
  1. Get music that is up-beat and to help you stay in the zone while training.
    I don’t know about you but I enjoy having nice fast paced music to help me during my workout and to keep me motivated and just to keep moving and to keep me in the zone to concentrate on pushing for that last rep.
  1. Keep motivated
    Always stay motivated. Watching inspirational videos, listening to music or even gymming with a friend can help you push forward and keep the goal in mind an upcoming reality.
  1. Keep smiling
    No matter how tough your workout is, no matter how much you are struggling, keep a positive attitude towards your training. You are not going to go further if you don’t give off positive energy and push through with a smile on you are struggling, keep a positive attitude towards your training. You are not going to go further if you don’t give off positive energy and push through with a smile on your face.

I hope that these tips will help you in the future to walk into the gym/training session and push for your goals and achieve greatness.

Written by: Troy Riordan

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