Full Circle Wellness, the holistic approach to Kinesiology, Nutrition & Fitness
What in the world is pH?
It’s important that your body’s pH remains at the appropriate acid/alkaline levels.
What is your pH? Let me explain. First of all, pH stands for power of hydrogen ~ the measure of the hydrogen ion concentration in your body.
The pH scale ranges from 1 to 14, with 7 being neutral. A pH less than 7 is acidic, with more hydrogen ions. A pH greater than 7 is alkaline or basic, with less hydrogen ions because a base, hydroxyl (OH-), has soaked up the excess hydrogen ions. If your body is too acidic it means that your body is being deprived of oxygen and other nutrients. Your cells won’t be able to function properly, having a lessened energy production, inability to repair damaged cells, making tumor cells thrive, and increase likelihood of fatigue and illness.
Our bodies want a slightly alkaline pH at 7.30 to 7.45. In order to maintain the proper pH, we must consider the foods that we ingest to stay within the desired range. With just one pH unit change, there is a 10 fold change in the hydrogen ion concentration! It will take 10 times the amount of alkalinity to alkalize up one acidic level, 100 times the amount to alkalize up two levels, 1000 times the amount to alkalize up three levels, and so on.
Here is a chart by Mind Body Green, showing the acidity and alkalinity levels of different foods.
Make sure you maintain a healthy balance between acidic and alkaline foods. Make it your goal to eat 60% alkaline forming foods and 40% acid forming foods to maintain health. If you are restoring your health, eat 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods.
And make the acidic foods count for something – fill up on eggs, grains, beans, prunes rather than pastries, soft drinks, white bread, and artificial sweeteners. The more whole foods we eat, the better. Stick to the produce isles in the grocery stores, rather than the middle isles with all of the packaged foods or the fast food joints. There are too many temptations waiting there.
Happy eating!
J. Xx
Through non invasive & proven methods, Full Circle Wellness will help you balance the 3 elements of wellness - Mental, Chemical & Structural. Optimal health begins with balance!
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