Full Circle Wellness, the holistic approach to Kinesiology, Nutrition & Fitness
One of our reader’s Tam, posted the following question: “Besides going to a gym – what are some other ways to stay fit during winter (and other rainy days)?” Good question Tam! I think all of us feel pretty unmotivated to train during a cold and wintery day. We also tend to neglect exercise because… Read More
One of our followers, Leisel asked the following question: “my husband has embarked on a 12 week challenge and I am trying to be supportive and join him in his insane low carb high protein diet, but am finding (and I think he is too) that I get really peckish after eight in the evening… Read More
My friend Amy-Jane Louw recently wrote an excellent article called Three Innovative Ways to Reduce Staff Turnover. I’ve included a link to the article here, as it serves as a nice basis for my own post. I think Amy-Jane really has hit a poignant note with this article – Small Medium Enterprises (SME’s) are the…… Read More
My good friend Stacey is running the Knysna Marathon coming up in July (for more info on this race and the associated Knysna Oyster Festival, check out the website here). She has asked all her friends to help motivate her with her marathon training and I’d thought I’d share this lovely motivational tip with our… Read More
One of our Facebook followers posted this question on our page: “How do I get rid of some tummy fat. I weigh less than when I got married but I still have belly rolls. Yes, I have had 3 kids and am genetically apple shaped. Should I give up or is there a way?”… Read More
Through non invasive & proven methods, Full Circle Wellness will help you balance the 3 elements of wellness - Mental, Chemical & Structural. Optimal health begins with balance!
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