Full Circle Wellness, the holistic approach to Kinesiology, Nutrition & Fitness
IT'S OFFICALLY SPRING!! We officially have one more quarter left of 2022 - eeeek! Where did the time go? If you are finding that you have not reached the milestones or goals that you intended too about this year, YOU STILL HAVE TIME to make 2022 one of your healthiest and best years yet! I encourage you all to print out this form below and make some affirmations about your own wellness journey before the end of the year - why not use the start of Spring to start a new season in your life?… Read More
I WANT YOU FOR A CASE STUDY! As part of my Specialised Kinesiology studies, I am writing up case studies on how Kinesiology can be used to help clients push though mental blocks that may be holding them back from starting (and sticking with!) a wellness programme, as well as changing their attitudes around diet & exercise for the long term!… Read More
Being truly healthy is being able to find a balance between the "good" and the "bad" when it comes to health and exercise!… Read More
I recently completed a “Food as Medicine” course – the UK lecturers used the term “free sugars” to describe the kind of sugars that we need to limit/avoid – with Banting/Keto/Paleo all being such hot topics, most of us are confused by which sugars to eat (fruit?) and which to not!… Read More
What's the T(ea) with Vitamin D!!! Let's talk about the different type of vitamin D supplements out there and how you can fight the Winter Blues, anxiety, depression, weight gain, fatigue & even have less severe covid19 symptoms - and why you might be wasting your money on the wrong vitamin D tablet!… Read More
Through non invasive & proven methods, Full Circle Wellness will help you balance the 3 elements of wellness - Mental, Chemical & Structural. Optimal health begins with balance!
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