Full Circle Wellness, the holistic approach to Kinesiology, Nutrition & Fitness
After struggling for many years with her own health issues (notably Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), Claire began to focus her energy on what it takes to be physically, chemically and mentally healthy. Through her personal journey to find health, energy and wellness, she discovered her love for fitness & nutrition and the vital impact it can have on one’s complete life. In 2012, after achieving her fitness qualifications, she founded Full Circle Wellness to help others come their own "full circle" through holistic wellness! Claire is a qualified ICPKP Level 2 Kinesiology Practitioner, registered Level 3 PKPASA Association Member & a registered ASCHP Wellness Councillor (Reg. WC23/3087). Claire uses her education in kinesiology to demonstrate to clients how our emotional & mental health impacts our physical body. This area of knowledge allows her to be able to holistically incorporate the three elements of balanced wellness into her practice.
The temptation of eating poorly is inescapable these days. From the billboards that we see on the street and until the moment we turn the television on at home, we are constantly passing by foods that are painted to seem irresistible. The addiction doesn’t stop with the advertisements either.… Read More
You have to promise me that you are not going to turn your nose up at this recipe. You really have to hear me out. And try it. It is warm. It is creamy. It is crunchy. It is perfect for a cold night. And we also cannot forget that it’s green ~ can it… Read More
What in the world is pH? It’s important that your body’s pH remains at the appropriate acid/alkaline levels. What is your pH? Let me explain. First of all, pH stands for power of hydrogen ~ the measure of the hydrogen ion concentration in your body.… Read More
Let’s talk smoothies! Smoothies are one of my favorite breakfasts and/or snacks. You can pack so many nutrients into a small space that will fill up your stomach and completely satisfy your taste buds & appetite. My favorite trick? Adding GREENS! I was skeptical at first, too.… Read More
Salt has sparked my interest these days. First is the frequent suggestion of sea salt over table salt in healthy recipes. I’ve always wondered why, and until now, haven’t researched it. Second is the spotting of himalayan salt on the shelves. What is so special about these light pink crystals?… Read More
Through non invasive & proven methods, Full Circle Wellness will help you balance the 3 elements of wellness - Mental, Chemical & Structural. Optimal health begins with balance!
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